Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Never too late

The inevitable is death...there's no getting around it for now. We deal with death daily and in all forms of it. Whether it's someone close to you, someone's loved one, or a stranger, it's never any less sad. We can't change when it happens but we can keep a good memory alive by remembering them at their best and not dwelling on the bad things that never changed. Asking ourselves what we could have done differently to avoid it won't bring them back. A healthy closure and an acceptance of death will come with time. If you've ever taken a class that talks about death you would have heard about the grieving stages. While I was in nursing school we rememberd them as D.A.B.D.A. Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance. You may experience them in order, out of order, or some not at all. This process can repeat itself even if you've achieved the Acceptance stage.

I've dealt with a lot of death in my short time on earth starting from when I was very young and impressionable. I don't have an epiphany that will save anyone from grief, but I do know that each experience has made me stronger. I learned when my mother passed away that you cannot let time pass you by and do nothing. Nothing should go unsaid, no arguement unsettled, and never wait to tell someone you care about them or love them. For some, reaching out to them could make all the difference in the world. Yet for others their minds may have already chosen another path. Suicide, cancer, untimely motor vehicle crashes, random gun fire, and such tragedy's occur daily...don't wait to say what you want to say. It's never too late to care.

Rest in peace Marcus W. Kros and all those who passed before you. I promise to make your life a memory of learning and love.

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